Sunday, July 26, 2009

A Letter to Teeny (and Blog?)

Wow. First of all, I apologize for how belated this message is; I haven't forgotten about you, I've just been busy busy and unable to sit down and collect my thoughts and all that jazz. Anyway, let me get to the good stuff!

So my two weeks at home were great, and when I had to get back to Madison for work, Tom came back with me since he had one more week off before school started back up. Oh, it was GREAT! The first night we arrived, we stayed up until the wee hours of the morning talking about our future. AND HE STARTED IT! Of course we have talked about it before a hundred times, but this was the most intimate in-depth conversation we have ever had about it. Oh my, we were both a little teary just laying there together in the dark talking about how excited we were to fall asleep in each others arms each night. Ugh. I just.. want to be there now!!@#!

So we had our week together. We cooked dinner together and rode bikes and went to the zoo and took walks by the lake and shopped on State Street and smiled at the ducks by the terrace. He also showed me this animation that he made JUST for me! Its adorable, and as soon as he gets it up on youtube, I will link you to it! Oh the week, it was bliss. But, as you know all too well, the goodbye was hard. Those three weeks made up the longest amount of time we had spent together in two years. So it was reallllly hard. Plus, at that point we weren't sure when we would see each other again and.. you know, I had to drop him off at the bus, pull myself together and go straight to work not knowing if it would be weeks or months before I could see him again.

But.. it turns out I only had to wait a few weeks. I pulled some strings and made a few switcheroos and was able to get off yesterday and today so that I could make it home for his birthday. HOORAY! So I snuck out of work at 5 on Friday and got home to see my baby turn 20!

This weekend was really great, too. VERY brief, but amazing as always. I have been spending a lot of time and energy lately helping Tom come up with characters and scenarios he could practice animating with and convincing him to look into studios and internships on the west coast. AND THEN he called me today after he got on the train to head back to Chicago to tell me (PAY ATTENTION) that he was talking to his mom about it and she DROPPED A BOMB (a GOOD one!). She said that should would be "more than happy" to take us to California (!) to look around and search out some areas and schools and studios and AND Tom said the first thing he said to her was, "Sam just said she's never been to the ocean. She would LOVE that." Ugh, it melted my heart. So, even if it ends up not happening, just knowing that his parents are willing and supportive and.. that Tom pays attention.. oh it made me cry. Seriously, sometimes it just hits me how lucky I am to have him in my life.. and I can't even handle it.

OHjflaskjdhfkjasdhif . So now that I've poured out my heart and updated on the important stuff.. YOUR TURN!

I look forward to hearing from you! Miss you lots!

<3 Sammy