Thursday, August 6, 2009

You Don't Say?

I feel like I'm being teased.

1) Here, have this wonderful person in your life, but don't get too close because you are very young and still have to play by the rules. There will be curfew and parental interference and norms you must follow before things get to serious.

Okay, check mark.

2) Now go away to college and experience freedom, but not together. Deal with being apart for a few months and see if you can handle it. It will be one of the hardest things you've ever had to go through. Have fun with that.

Check mark number two.

3) Realize it was really meant to be. Share some of the most intimate and poignant moments of your young lives together, but only every few months. Get really upset when you are torn apart repeatedly with little idea when you will be together again.


4) Sit and wait. Wait a long time. Feel ready to take the next step, but be held back by time and circumstance. Oh, and distance. Enjoy! P.S. Hope you have a good phone plan!

Um.. welp. Here I sit, waiting for the final check mark. Well, not the final check mark I guess, but a big one. I'm ready to be scared shitless in the real world. As long as I'm finally with you, I'll be ready.